- My work -
Este proyecto fue realizado entre el 4 y el 8 de mayo de 2015. Una gasolinera es un edificio compuesto por tres partes bien diferenciadas: la zona que alberga los servicios de alimentación, cafetería y aseos, la cubierta y su estructura que debe dimensionarse de modo que permita la correcta circulación de todo tipo de vehículos. Estos elementos rara vez se integran formando un diseño unitario, sino que suelen crear un conjunto confuso e inconexo. En el proyecto publicado, que forma parte de una serie de edificios de la misma tipología que he realizado recientemente, los tres elementos forman una unidad porque la estructura contiene las edificaciones al mismo tiempo que soporta la cubierta de la estación de servicio. Es por tanto la posición relativa de cada una de las partes respecto de las demás (encima, debajo, dentro) lo que unifica el conjunto y le aporta calidad al diseño.
Project designed with Revit from 4 to 8 May 2015. A gas station is a building composed of three parts: the building itself with the services (restaurant, toilets, etc), the cover and the structure to support it which must be designed to let the traffic go on suitably. These elements aren't always integrated as a unique one, so a gas station use to be defined as a confused and disconnected group of elements. In one of my projects, that it is shown, all the elements form a unit, because the structure contains the building in its interior and at the same time it supports the cover. Therefore, is the relative location of each element respect the others (top, botton, inside) that configures the project as a unit.
Project designed with Revit from 4 to 8 May 2015. A gas station is a building composed of three parts: the building itself with the services (restaurant, toilets, etc), the cover and the structure to support it which must be designed to let the traffic go on suitably. These elements aren't always integrated as a unique one, so a gas station use to be defined as a confused and disconnected group of elements. In one of my projects, that it is shown, all the elements form a unit, because the structure contains the building in its interior and at the same time it supports the cover. Therefore, is the relative location of each element respect the others (top, botton, inside) that configures the project as a unit.
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